Rabu, 01 Mei 2013


Value of extortion against businesses appraised land transport more than Rp 25 trillion per year. According to the study of Indonesian Employers Association (Hipmi) Research Center, the number of total results count of extortion of the administrative process to the vehicle until the driver on the road quotes. Each transport company set aside at least 25 percent of revenue to pay extortion.
Secretary-General Hipmi Harry Citizenship Aaron explains, research conducted with a sample of hundreds of transportation companies in various regions last year. "This study was conducted because of concerns about the proliferation of illegal payments," he said. The results released Tuesday, February 14, 2012.
Practices contributing extortion rated transportation accidents. High cost of illegal payments automatically reduce fleet maintenance costs. "How can you care if the money is not enough because of extortion," he said. As reported, the last bus accident occurred a few in a row until claimed dozens of casualties. Extortion also reduce driver performance. Harry explained, the driver is forced to chase payments work much harder if their income is sucked extortion. "They sacrificed hours of sleep," he said. With the physical condition of the driver is not fit, the risk of accidents increases.
Harry asked the government to take stern action against the perpetrators of extortion apparatus. "Fire, catch," he said. But he also proposed higher salaries for government officials so as not to be tempted to quote extortion. "Do not react so there is something new." Previously, extortion was also expressed about the Land Transportation Organization (Organda) Jakarta. "Clean up first problem extortion, poor public transport entrepreneurs," said Sudirman, Jakarta Organda Chairman. He cited the test cost Rp 140 thousand to swell up to twice as companies have to pay bribes. According to him, the perpetrators of extortion generally between testers.
Responding to the extortion problem, Transportation Minister EE Mangindaan said it would take stern action against the perpetrators of extortion as well as the practice of bribery in its scope. He promised tough sanctions immediately formulate rules for the cases that occur. "It must be eradicated. Needless asked again," he said. Party conducting the bribe and the bribe, he asserted, equally unlawful.
Director General of Land Transportation Ministry asked the producers Suroyo Alimoeso inform transportation locations, actors, until the time of the extortion. "Report it to us. If it is in the area of ​​ministry, as well as heavy sanctions. If the governments in the region, we will send a letter to the government," he said. Suroyo asserted, transportation businesses did not have to pay bribes when it comply with regulations. "The illegal payments bribes, should be no problem if, yes, it goes without bribe," he said. About the extortion that reduce the quality of care, Suroyo said, until now many companies that care otobus maintained vehicle. "Not true if the extortion money making vehicle maintenance fund is reduced."

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